وظائف عمل لدى شركة رائدة في عمان a leading company located in king abdulla ii industrial city ...

الأردن || منذ 3 يوم
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وظائف عمل لدى شركة رائدة في عمان
A leading company located in King Abdulla II Industrial City is looking to hire a ERP System Specialist. 1-Reviewing and evaluating procedures, and workflows for different departments within the company. 2-Identifying gaps in procedures and work methods used and recommending a method of reform. 3-Innovate, design, develop, optimize, and implement manufacturing processes, procedure, tooling, and equipment in support of production flow. 4-Establish standard work and standard equipment operating parameters. 5-Analyze quality problems and develop solutions and improvements. 6-Work with procurement and quality department to resolve supplier quality issues. 7-Enforce compliance with all good manufacturing practices and standard operating procedures as defined by the company’s policies, practices, and procedures. Employee qualifications: 1-Bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering. 2-Years of experience: 35 years. 3-Excellent English Skills. 4-Excellent Communication skills. 5-Strong interpersonal skills. 6-Strong organizational skills. 7-Ability to multitask. The salary range will be: 750 JD up to 1100 JD. If you are interested, Please provide me with your CV thru the following E-Mail and don’t forget to write “ERP System Specialist” in the Subject bar : تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر
برجاء الانتباه من عمليات النصب وعدم دفع اى مبالغ مالية تحت اى مسمى , والابلاغ عن الاعلانات المخالفة فورا.
بالنسبة لمكاتب الحاق العمالة بالخارج لابد من التحقق من ترخيص المكتب والتأكد من توثيق عقد العمل قبل دفع اى مبالغ مالية