وظيفة مهندس كمبيوتر في اربد computer engineer about the job company description the arab ...

الأردن || منذ 19 أيام
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وظيفة مهندس كمبيوتر في اربد Computer Engineer About the job Company Description The Arab Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs Mfg.Co (Mobedco) is a leading provider of veterinary drugs and pesticides based in Jordan since 1991. Mobedco offers a wide range of veterinary medications to improve the health of farm and companion animals. The company is known for its high-quality products, ISO certifications, and total quality approach. Role Description This is a full-time on-site Computer Engineer role located in Irbid at MOBEDCO. The Computer Engineer will be responsible for troubleshooting, software development, and cybersecurity tasks on a daily basis. Qualifications Computer Engineering and Computer Science skills
1-3 years Experience in Troubleshooting and Software Development
Knowledge of Cybersecurity practices
Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
Ability to work well in a team environment
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or related field please send your application to تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر
برجاء الانتباه من عمليات النصب وعدم دفع اى مبالغ مالية تحت اى مسمى , والابلاغ عن الاعلانات المخالفة فورا.
بالنسبة لمكاتب الحاق العمالة بالخارج لابد من التحقق من ترخيص المكتب والتأكد من توثيق عقد العمل قبل دفع اى مبالغ مالية