Car washer + Manager for the car wash
Oman || 117 Days Ago
Job Type :
Category :
Car Mechanic
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No of Jobs :
مطلوب nn3 موظفين لمغسلة سيارات + شخص مسؤول للمغسله nnموقع المغسله في المعبيلة الصناعيه للتواصل nالجنسيه بنجاليnابو صالح n[phone::dd5 d13661 f2425431 acdf233 ab2d7 b84]nnnNeeded urgently :nn3 employees for a car wash + 1 manager for the car wash.nnLocation: Al-Mabaila Industrial Area. nNationality: Bangladesh nContact: Abu Saleh nPhone:الهاتف :dd5 d13661 f2425431 acdf233 ab2d7b84].
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